Susie Q had this to say
Onto less serious topics, which is what I really like, last night I went to Jimmy Mac's for the Mulletude show. Think 80's hair band only mullet style. I know it sounds like I'm really into the 80's based on the fact that I just saw Danger Kitty a few weeks ago (see post) but I'm really not. There is something to be said of the power ballad though, and I am drawn to it. I was more intoxicated at this show than at Danger Kitty, thanks to multiple grapey shots which compromised my strict, but not so strict, No Shot Policy. And by not so strict I mean if you came up to me and asked me if I wanted to do a shot, I'd barely hesitate and say, "Okay," even though I know I'm going to highly regret it the next day and then the policy is back in effect. By then I am sober and thinking rationally again so it makes sense at the time. Which pretty much makes the whole policy worthless. My sober self says, "No way, no shots, shots are bad, bad things happen when shots happen." But my tipsy self says, "Hells yeah!" Stupid tipsy self. I will analyze that some more later.
Anyway, Mulletude really had the crowd going and it was a good time.
You know it! Too bad she went to Barf Lie afterwards because she missed the debut performance of Moustache Ride..
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