Tuesday, May 6, 2008

pictures from the gig

Although the "Mulletude @ High Fidelity" section of Rochester Insider contains no actual pictures of Mulletude, check it out for fan pics as well as pictures of los papercut nintendos


Here are some from a new website, rochesterunderground.com

Monday, May 5, 2008

video request

if anyone has any footage of mike dickinson's wicked stage dive, please email it to us

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Thanks for a great knight everyone

We had a killer time last night, hope you all did as well. I'm not sure how well our manager mike dickinson (see link to the right) is feeling this morning after his glorious stage dive. spending a month in trakshun aint no big thing.

Get ready to do it all over again in a month, June 6

Thanks to everyone over at High Fidelity, you guys all rock

We have to pubicly fire Sting Ray Rodriguez again. We gave him another chance on the whistle and he turned into cindy brady looking at the red light on the quiz show. For shame, sting ray, for shame.

Friday, May 2, 2008

We've added another opening band

Going on before Papercut Ninjas will be a up and coming band out of Texas, The Oswalds!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

HiFi tomorrow - be their!

On Dos De Mayo, we will celebrate all things Mexican, Metal and Mayonnaise. We will bequeef our metal offerings to our dark overlord masters as a humble sacrifice to the beast. Our gift to you will be triumphant solos, thunderous drums, glass shattering wails, glorious attire, and spastic histrionics. That, and herpes.

Prepare to be rocked abundantly.