Friday, October 30, 2009

Preparation for the gig

Erik: I am picking up the gym membership today at 4, and I am grabbing the Good Guys Pizza gift card tomorrow. I think Minnow is going to go collect the one from the Wintonaire, unless someone objects to that...

Pat: I object to your existence

What's the German word for holy crap tonight is going to rock your nuts off?

That's what's in store tonight at German House.

I can't control myself today.  I'm drinkin way faster than I normully do in the morning at my day job.

If you don't have tix, don't pretend like you have something better to do until 10:30 (we know you don't) - we're gonna have a big crowd because we're awesome and Jerremy gets more love than Steve Phillips gets from fat girls that look like me.

October 30 at the German House!

Dear Mullet-mulitia,
It's that time of year again... Our annual Halloween show will take place the night before Halloween. For you math-letes our there, that means Friday, October 30! Why? Simple. We understand that our loyal fans have many, many illegitimate kids from as far away as Wayne and Genesee Counties. This will give you, their court appointed guardians, an opportunity to feed the kids for a week on Halloween candy. So you are free to trick or treat on Saturday and proceed to put yourself into a diabetic coma from too many Malo cups, Nekko wafers and MD 20/20.

We also want you to know that Mulletude cares. Not just about hookers and blow, but also about the loyal fans that support our lifestyles. One of our favorites, Jerremy Lorch, suffered a paralyzing spinal injury in August. Proceeds from the Halloween show will go to support his need for an accessible van so he won't miss the next show. Check out his blog at And remember, if you were injured in an accident, we would do the same for you! So please, buy a ticket, come support a good cause, and get black-out drunk for devil’s sake!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mulletude on craigslist

Usually we stick to the casual encounters section, but this time we're in the musicians forum

Friday, October 9, 2009

Feel the love

Jon: Do either of you have a high res version of our logo or the original file that Fish did?

Pat: Did a quick check don’t think I have it, will look some more later

Erik: No pat, He's not talking about the rainbow logo you have used all too often

Jon: Swing by your place at 8:30?

Erik: as long as its from a noose

Erik: Listen, I just wanted to remind everyone, that between the velvet lies, there's a truth that's hard as steel

Let's try and keep that in mind

Pat: Hopefully you’re the opposite of the vision that never dies

Erik: I AM the vision that dies...I am the last thing that most people ever see before being slapped in the face with a 10 pound maul

Sean: Does this mean we are going to practice tonight? If so, I'm in.

Pat: Tonight’s tough for me, moving (again)

Erik: tonight would be tough for me too

Sean: Looks like i'm changing diapers then. "Tanks for nutin'"!!!!

Joe: Good Call. I would rather change diapers than be with Jon

Jon: I would rather change drummers than deal with you. I hear Steven Adler is available.

Pat: you home yet? glad to hear that the surgery went well. jon still smells awful and erik still has no talent

Joe: I just got home yesterday. Just taking it easy. I hope jon slips on the ice for RIT Hockey kickoff.

Sean: I hope that during the show Friday night.....A giant tornado comes through and kills all of you.

Jon: Well the downside is that I would be dead, but the upside is that Erik would be dead. I’m liking this idea. Sacrifices must be made.

I can picture it now; Erik gets sucked up into a vortex and spit out over Darien Lake. His lifeless corpse tangled up in the Superman Ride of Steel framework. Maybe a foot lands in the wave pool. A pair or soiled mesh shorts falls onto the midway… that’s what dreams are made of.

Pat: Please let it be Jon. [link to D&C story of guy getting stabbed on Monroe ave]

Jon: Damn, that’s at the end of my street! I didn’t hear sirens or anything last night. Weird.

That building is sketchy. Always a bunch of losers hanging out on the front steps. Erik, you would fit right in.

Erik: I made an announcement in the musician's community forum…..should be showing up soon

Jon: Your coming out announcement? Good place for it.

Random Craigslist Guy reading announcement: “Okay I was never sure if there really was a GOD until I went to the Mulletude website and saw their video's, now I'm sure there is NO GOD! This has to be the worst band ever! The whole mullet thing I get, it's a joke, but the truth is the band sucks and their hiding behind the gimmic. The singer couldn't hold a note if it was in a cup and the rest of this joke for a band should stay in the basement and play to their 4 friends. A-Pub has indeed falling to the lowest point ever. I know the economy is rough right now but is this the way to go? I think not. I would rather hear a DJ spin the tunes, than to watch some moronish band pretend to be something their not. If I had a mullet and thank god I don't and never have, I would be pissed if this was all there was to represent my style. Mulletude, please crawl back under the turd you climbed through to reach the sun and forget about being onstage. A-Pub you should really think about what you're a doing to the business, find another way to entertain the soon to be gone crowd.”

Pat: I kinda want to do a missed connections post playing a joke on erik

“I saw you at high fidelity playing guitar, you looked like a gorilla with a jonas brother’s haircut. I’m into that stuff, I’m like that lady from Connecticut. I want to j*** on your t*** and punch you in the face.”